Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Our Ultrasound Pics!

Here are the Ultrasound pics from this morning! Our little one is soooo cute!!! I may be a little biased though..... :) Check out the previous post to find out how the whole experience went.

The below picture shows our little one with its arms at its side.

Here is our baby's wittle feet! Right now they are about an inch long.

Another profile shot. I think you can see its lips a little better here....maybe, lol!

This is our baby's face...straight on. Kinda alien like, huh?!

Today I am 21 weeks & 4 days

We had our "big" ultrasound today and everything went beautifully! We were so amazed at everything we could see! I'll post the pictures tonight when I get home (need to scan them in).

Our little baby is growing perfectly so far. :) The brain, heart, spine, kidneys, & stomach all look just as they should. Our little bean's growth is measuring right on track for its age. It has ten little fingers and ten little toes and the cutest little nose I've ever seen!

The whole time we were watching our little one on the screen it kept putting its arms above it's head or would play peek-a-boo with us by putting it's hands in front of it's face and then pulling them was soooo cute!!! All that hand waving did make it hard for our tech to get some of the pictures she wanted, but it was so much fun for us to watch!

When we went in the tech asked if we wanted to know the sex and we said no, so she turned our screen off at the beginning so that she could find out just where our little one was situated in there so she would know where to say away from. It was a good thing she did because the very first thing she saw was "the spot" and said had we seen it, we would have known immediately what we were having....I guess it was pretty obvious. I said that it must be a boy then and she said that at this stage if you get a good picture you can tell immediately either way so it didn't necessarily mean she saw a little boy in there. We still think we're having a girl though, so it will definitely be interesting come D-Day!

Anyway, I just wanted to share our good news with you and thank everyone that prayed for this appointment to go well for us! Thanks so much!

I'll post the ultrasound pictures tonight.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Name poll for a Girl name

Well, I've decided to put a poll up here to get some feed back on a couple of names I seem to be stuck on if we have a girl. I was all for Leah for the longest time but then came across Rylan and thought, what a neat and unique name.
Rylan is a "male" name which is why I think I like it for a girl. I've always liked boy names for girls, obviously because of my own name, but I've always liked the name Taylor or Cameron for a girl too.
What do you all think? Vote for the name you like best and then if you can, in the comment section tell me why you like the name you picked.

Thanks for your help!

What name do you like best for a Girl?
Leah Ann
Rylan Ann

Send this poll to a friend!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Today I am 20 weeks and 2 days....

Your Pregnancy: A Week-by-Week Guide

You are now going on 21 Weeks Pregnant!


At your prenatal appointment your provider has probably been measuring the height of your uterus (fundal height) since it appeared above your pubic bone. After about 20 week, this measurement generally correlates with your dates. Fundal height measurements assess growth from visit to visit. If the measurement is consistently "small" or "large," the first thing to look at is the accuracy of dating. More than one baby is a possibility if your uterus measures "large for dates." If the fundal height is "small for dates," this might be an indication that your baby is smaller than expected. Ultrasound would be performed for any inconsistency in fundal height. After about 36 weeks the measurement for fundal height becomes less accurate as your baby settles into your pelvis.


Weighing in at 13 to 14 ounces, and measuring 17.5 centimeters crown-to-rump, your baby is now busy putting fat onto those bones. Most likely, you have felt your baby's in-utero gymnastics. With lots of amniotic fluid providing room to move, your baby will be very active. Babies have sleep and wake cycles and you may find that these get more predictable as the months progress. Babies are typically active in the late evening, just when Mom is trying to get to sleep.


Studies by Dr. Miriam Labbok, director of the breastfeeding division at Georgetown University Medical Center, indicate that the U.S. could save two to four billion dollars each year in health costs if all mothers breastfeed their newborns for at least the first three months. Here are a few more reasons to consider breastfeeding:

· There is strong evidence that breastfeeding reduces the incidence of diarrhea, lower-respiratory infection, ear infections, urinary tract infections, bacterial meningitis, Crohn's Disease, colitis and other diseases (American Academy of Pediatrics).

· Studies have shown that breastfed babies have significantly higher IQs (about eight points) than their formula-fed counterparts.

· There may be a link to a decreased incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome among breastfed babies.

· Numerous benefits to mothers include a reduced risk of ovarian and breast cancers, as well as a lower incidence of hip fractures during the post-menopausal period.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Today I Am 19 weeks & 3 days

Had my 19 week appointment today.

Not a whole lot to tell...heart beat was strong, 155 bpm. That's down from 160 bpm at my 15 week appointment. It's not unusual for the rate to change. Actually the heart rate usually starts out high and the further along in the pregnancy it does go down some.

The biggest news is we scheduled our level 2 Ultrasound for April 26. It's 45 min. long and we should get some great pictures! I'm very excited to actually see a baby in there this time! I asked the Doc what all they do during this ultrasound and she said they check that the heart has all the chambers it's suppose too. They check the brain, lungs, and other vital organs to make sure they are developing properly. They can also tell the sex at this time too....and NO we are still not going to find out what we are having. :)

As excited as I am to see our little one, I'm a little nervous too. This is where if anything is wrong with our baby, they will most likely find it. So any and all prayers and positive thoughts are welcome that everything goes smoothly and our little bean is healthy!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Your Pregnancy: A Week-by-Week Guide

You are now going on 20 Weeks Pregnant!


Congratulations -- you are halfway through your pregnancy! You're probably feeling wonderful now that you've regained your energy. Finally people are beginning to notice that you are indeed pregnant, as your uterus pushes your abdomen out at the belly button. The uterus now reaches the level of the umbilicus (plus or minus a fingersbreadth). Your care provider has probably been measuring the level of your fundus, or top of the uterus, with a tape measure. It should now be approximately 18 to 22 cm. if you are having one baby and your dates are accurate. Your abdomen may start to itch a bit as stretching occurs. Let your care provider know about this even if though it's probably perfectly normal. (Better to be safe ...)

It is now possible to hear your baby's heartbeat with a special stethoscope, called a Delee stethoscope. Some providers begin to use this type of listening device instead of a doppler. It may now be possible for your partner to hear your baby's heartbeat by placing his or her ear against your bare lower abdomen. If you can't hear it right away, try the other side. Listen every day and you will be rewarded with a tiny, fast, rhythmic beat.

You may be having some trouble taking deep breaths on occasion, particularly if you are short in stature, or overweight. Call your care provider if you exhibit signs of asthma, such as coughing, wheezing when you exhale, or difficulty breathing at any time, especially during, or following, a cold or respiratory tract infection. One in every 100 women suffers from asthma during pregnancy. A recent study published in the British Medical Journal found that women with a history of asthma, who are pregnant with girls, were more likely to experience an increase in symptoms, possibly due to hormonal differences. Asthma can be easily treated, and medications safe for use during pregnancy are available. If you have asthma, it is very important to get a prompt diagnosis so you can avoid distress and complications.

I can't believe we're almost half way through this. Ever since I hit the second trimester, time just seems to be flying by. I have an appointment tomorrow just for a routine check-up. Nothing really exciting going to happen other then probably getting to hear the heart beat again. That's crazy that you can actually hear the heart beat through my tummy! We'll have to try that!


This week, your baby weighs ten ounces and is 16 centimeters crown-to-rump. A white, waxy-looking substance called vernix now protects your baby's skin. If you are carrying a girl, she has six million eggs in her ovaries -- six times the number she will have at birth! Her uterus is now formed and she's beginning to develop a vagina.


You probably have heard that fish is very healthful and even contains nutrients that are known to reduce the risk of heart disease. So, why all the concern for fish consumption during pregnancy? Certain fish, such as swordfish, bluefish, striped bass or bluefin tuna, may contain high levels of mercury. Freshwater fish are also susceptible to pollutants in the water. It is best to check with your local department of natural resources to see if any warnings exist for fish in your area. Fish taken from the Great Lakes should probably be avoided during pregnancy.

· Here are some fish that get the pregnancy seal of approval:

· Sole

· Flounder

· Haddock

· Pacific halibut

· Cod

· Salmon (check with your local department of health as some farm-raised salmon may contain higher levels of contaminants depending upon where they are raised and the feed they are fed)

I love Salmon and halibut so those are the main kind of fish I stick with. Yummy!


Every month, you should have a blood pressure check. A blood pressure baseline reading gives your care provider a yardstick for a safe level for you, both during pregnancy as well as when you're in labor. Your practitioner will also be checking to make sure you don't experience a sudden elevation in blood pressure, which might mean you have developed a condition requiring close monitoring to avoid pregnancy complications. In general, blood pressure exceeding 140/90 is considered high.

Haven't had any issues with high blood pressure before this pregnancy or during it far so good with this. :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Today I am 18 weeks and 5 days

Well....the baby seems to be movin' and groovin' quite a bit lately. So far this little bean seems to really like orange juice, strawberry yogurt, Lemonade, & Chipotle. I can pretty much get this little one moving any time I eat or drink any of the's pretty funny! It's not quite strong enough for John to feel it move, but it really should be just a matter of time I would think. I also think I'm starting to look a little more pregnant and not just fat, lol!

Now that my baby shower has been scheduled for June, I think it would probably be a good time to register at Babies R Us. :) I have my list made but every time I think about going in to register I get this huge overwhelming feeling because outside of the big and basic things there are so many little things to think about. Like, how many blankets do we need? How many sheets, bottles, bibs, burp clothes do we need? Should we register for a swing or a bouncer? Or both? What's the best stroller to buy? It's crazy! I'm gonna have to bit the bullet soon though and just go and do it.

Well, this is all I have to share with you today. :) Have a good rest of your week and thanks for stopping by!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Today, I am 18 weeks and 2 days

Your Pregnancy: A Week-by-Week Guide

You are now going on 19 Weeks Pregnant!


To your dismay, you may find that heartburn is more likely to occur as your uterus pushes up against your stomach. Because the movement of food through the digestive tract has slowed, nutrients reach the fetus more efficiently -- generally within one or two hours after meals. Hang in there. When your baby "drops," (first-time moms only), usually in the final month of pregnancy, there will be considerably less pressure on your stomach. Eating several smaller meals throughout the day can work well if you are troubled by heartburn. Try not to eat right before bed. Sleep with your upper body slightly elevated. Antacids that contain calcium will provide heartburn relief, as well as this essential nutrient. Be sure to check with your care provider before taking medications such as Pepcid AC or Zantac.

Whoa, have I been experiencing heartburn. I have never had this problem before being pregnant so this is a very new experience that I am really not liking at all! Tums have become my new best friend. :)


At 15 centimeters crown to rump, and weighing eight ounces, your baby is getting big! This week, permanent teeth buds are forming behind the milk teeth buds.

Organs of reproduction are developing rapidly, getting ready to sustain future generations. The uterus is clearly visible in the female and the testes are apparent in the male fetus. If your baby is positioned just right on an ultrasound scan, the tiny penis is easily identifiable. So, if you don't wish to know the gender of your baby, ask the technician to alert you before your baby's lower body comes into view.

This baby's getting big? Tell me about it! Any time I'm on my feet for an extended period of time I can feel my lower abdomen get very heavy and then the ligaments start to ache really bad. It's a very strange feeling and one that is quite uncomfortable as you might imagine.


· Eating healthfully can be a challenge when you're heading out to a restaurant. Here are some tips:

· If ordering meat, always specify that you'd like it to be cooked medium to well done.

· Steer clear of fried foods. Stick with baked, grilled or poached items -- easier on your tummy.

· Order salad as an appetizer. Avoid Caesar salad, which may contain raw egg.

· Avoid eating soft cheeses such as feta, Brie, Camembert, blue-veined varieties or Mexican-style cheese.

· Reconsider ordering a sandwich. Ask the restaurant to heat luncheon meats, deli meats, cold cuts or ready-to-eat meat or poultry until steaming.

· When eating bread, think whole-grain.

· Avoid fish that may not be cooked thoroughly, such as sushi or seared Ahi tuna.

· Order desserts that contain fruit.

Really? Avoid undercooked meat and fish? Sometimes I wonder how stupid they think we really are. Do they really need to tell us some of this stuff? Shouldn't this be common knowledge? One would certainly think so!


During weeks 24 to 28, you should have a glucose screen, which can help to detect gestational diabetes. You will be asked to consume a sweetened drink, which contains 50 grams of glucose (sugar). An hour later, blood will be drawn. If the test results come back positive (blood sugar level greater than 140 mg/dl), you will be asked to undergo a more substantial, three-hour glucose-tolerance test (GTT), which will require a fasting blood sugar, followed by a one hour, two hour and three hour test. If the results fall within certain levels, the diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made. It's important to note that not all women who test positive with the initial screen will go on to be diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

I've taken this test in the past. It's really not that big of a deal other then it taking so long. Oh yeah....and people might think you're a drug addict or something because of all the needle marks in your arms from the 4 times they have to take your blood, lol.