Morgan At One Year!!
Morgan will be a year old August 23rd! I think I'm in denial right now that she's really going to one in a matter of days. It just doesn't seem like it's been that long. Guess this is a feeling I should get use to because it's only going to go faster the older she gets. :(
Morgan is doing awesome. She loves to crawl up the stairs....again, and again, and again. :) I swear she never tires of it...unfortunately mom and dad don't share the same enthusiasm, lol. If you ask Morgan where her toes are she puts her foot up in the air and points to her toes. She knows where her eyes, nose, and mouth are as well, and if you ask where mama, dada, or Max (our dog) is, she will point us all out. Morgan also loves to dance, give kisses, hugs, and high fives. She still only has her two bottom front teeth, but we think she's getting a top one now.
We are having the big One! party next Sunday and we have planned a Luau themed party. John's mom and grandma bought Morgan a really pretty Hawaiian dress when they went to Hawaii in early summer, so she will be wearing that and we've bought lei's for should be a good time. I'll take a ton of pictures and post them after.
Lastly, we took Morgan in for her one year pictures today, so I'll add them to the bottom of this post. They turned out great!

I just love Miss Morgan's 1yr old pictures! They are so too cute!
Happy 1st Birthday! Miss Morgan!!
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