Morgan at One Month
I finally have a free moment to write in here with Morgan asleep in her swing. :) It's hard to get things done sometimes because she just loves to be held and seems to only want to sleep while being held. I can usually buy myself about 5 to 10 minutes every so often if she's willing to go into her swing or bouncy seat so I can shower or to get something to eat....heck to even go to the bathroom, lol.
I'd like to say we have a good schedule down now at a month, but every time I think we do, she changes everything. :) Some nights she sleeps great and other nights we can get her down initially but keeping her sleeping is a fight. One thing she does do great all the time is eat! We seem to have no issues with that other then mom feeling like a milk vending machine all day because if I'm not feeding her I'm pumping and it's really getting old but I've made it this far, I'm not quitting now. Morgan is still struggling with the acid reflex and watching her deal with it is hard for us. Sometimes it's clear she is really uncomfortable and there's nothing we can do but try and soothe her. We've got her on what the doctor calls "baby Zantac" and it seems to help lessen the frequency but until she grows out of it, there's nothing else we can do.
I've added some more pictures below for everyone. We can't stop taking pictures, she's just too cute! As you can see in some of them, she is really becoming more aware of things around her. She has also discovered mirrors...she really likes to look at herself.