I can't believe Morgan is already more then 2 weeks old. It's funny to think that before she arrived I wondered and worried a little about how all this was going to change our lives and how well we would adjust, but now that she is here I can't imagine our lives without her. It's amazing how much she has brought to our lives in such a short amount of time and just how much love we felt for her the moment we laid eyes on her...I can't even put it into words. All I can say is that it's a feeling I think everyone should experience. There's nothing like it!
We've come to learn a lot about Morgan in these last couple of weeks. For starters, she hates to be swaddled, but loves to be held and cuddled (as most babies do I'm sure). She loves to be stimulated by music and movements...her swing and bouncy seat have been a lifesaver for mommy! She does not like to have her diaper changed but seems to really like bath time, especially when we wash her hair. She is absolutely fascinated by her own hands (as evident in the above picture). She loves to suck on her fingers and wave her hands in front of her face. And her favorite place to sleep is on our chest. She is quite the little person!
Morgan is a pretty good sleeper, although I think she has a little acid reflex that makes it uncomfortable for her to sleep on her back so we usually end up letting her sleep on our chest for quite a while....nice for her, but not so much for us when it's 2 am. She does go longer between feedings during the night for us, feeding only about every 4 to 5 hours, while during the day it's about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Morgan and I have also finally figured out the whole breastfeeding thing too. When we took her to the pediatrician the day after we left the hospital her weight had dropped from 7lbs 8oz to 6lbs 13 oz. We all know babies lose some weight the first couple of weeks, but for me this was too big of a weight loss and had me pretty upset (darn pregnancy hormones!). But when we took her in for her 2 week check-up she had pretty much gained it all back coming in at 7lbs and 6oz so I am feeling much more confident that I am giving her what she needs.
As for John and I, like we do with most everything else, I think we make a great team when it comes to this whole parenthood thing. I think we have adjusted very well to this new stage in our lives together and like I always knew he would be, John is an awesome dad. He's very hands on with changing diapers, feedings and burping, or just holding her when she gets fussy. I do think that Morgan will grow up to be a daddy's girl. :) He's become quite the pro at being a daddy!
Well, I'll end this update with some updated pictures for everyone because it's amazing just how much she has changed just in 2 weeks! She just keeps getting cuter every day!
I'm sure it was just gas...but I say it's her first smile. :)

A sleeping angel!

Morgan's favorite place to sleep...on our chest.

A very tired Morgan and mommy.

You're right, I can't believe how much she has changed since last weekend! She is sooooo cute! So soooo cute! I love that picture of her sleeping. Oh man, she is great, and you and John are great!
Love you!
Great Auntie M
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