Morgan at 17 months
I can't believe it's been over 2 months since my last update....someone is slacking big time! ;) Actually, I'm finding the older Morgan gets the less and less amount of free time I have to just sit down and write in her blog. Not to mention I take a million pictures of her and that takes forever to get downloaded and edited. Anyway, there's a lot to update on. Morgan is walking, has been for a while. She has added a ton more words to her vocabulary. She still has an incredible love for music and and has also acquired a love of books. She also loves to be mom's "little helper" by helping me clean up her toys and putting laundry in the dryer for me.
Let's start with the walking. Morgan stated showing an interest in October and was walking completely independently by the end of November. I think she was a bit of a late bloomer in this department but one thing we've learned about our daughter is that she's a bit of a perfectionist, she waits until she thinks she's got it down 100% before she tries it, but she is loving this new found independence.
Morgan still talks up a storm and has become very animated with her hands when she talks now as well...her mouth is constantly moving, and so are her hands. She has also started trying to carry on a conversation with the family dog. She follows Max all over the house talking and pointing her finger in his face and Max is very good about amusing her. She loves to "read" her books. She will sit on the floor and take her finger along the words and just babble away. Of course she doesn't know how to read, but she sure thinks she can. When she's tired she'll go find a book and bring it to daddy or me and climb in our lap and we'll read for a few minutes and the next thing we know she's out like a light.
Morgan still loves music. You ask her to "bust a move" or "get down" and she'll start dancing for you. Any time music comes on the TV or in the car she'll dance. Sometimes she even hums along with the song. She started Tumble Tot's on Tuesdays with Grandma and loves it! She loves being around the other kids, rolling around on the mats, and jumping on the trampoline. They also to a music time where everyone gets an instrument and they make music, which of course she loves that too.
Morgan's personality has grown so much in these last few months. I'm amazed at how much of a little person she has become. She's become much more independent, but at the same time loves to still cuddle. She loves to give hugs and kisses and there are times where she hugs you so hard and just smashes her face in yours trying to give you a "big" kiss that it's impossible for your heart not to melt. Morgan is just a very happy go lucky child. She'll laugh at just about anything...she laughs when she has the hiccups, or when Max runs into the sliding glass door, or when mommy or daddy make a funny face at her, she even laughs at herself when she falls down. She loves to carry on a conversation with you and she gets her hands flying and the expressions that come over her face can make you fall over laughing. Watching the way she is now makes me very excited to see the kind of person she'll grow to be. And the journey of watching her grow, I think is going to be amazing.
I have a ton of pictures that I want to share so continue down....and fair warning....there are a TON!! This is what happens when mom takes off two months from updating this. :) It might be best to look at the pictures from the bottom up....they're kind of out of order if you start here and go down. Enjoy!
Let's start with the walking. Morgan stated showing an interest in October and was walking completely independently by the end of November. I think she was a bit of a late bloomer in this department but one thing we've learned about our daughter is that she's a bit of a perfectionist, she waits until she thinks she's got it down 100% before she tries it, but she is loving this new found independence.
Morgan still talks up a storm and has become very animated with her hands when she talks now as well...her mouth is constantly moving, and so are her hands. She has also started trying to carry on a conversation with the family dog. She follows Max all over the house talking and pointing her finger in his face and Max is very good about amusing her. She loves to "read" her books. She will sit on the floor and take her finger along the words and just babble away. Of course she doesn't know how to read, but she sure thinks she can. When she's tired she'll go find a book and bring it to daddy or me and climb in our lap and we'll read for a few minutes and the next thing we know she's out like a light.
Morgan still loves music. You ask her to "bust a move" or "get down" and she'll start dancing for you. Any time music comes on the TV or in the car she'll dance. Sometimes she even hums along with the song. She started Tumble Tot's on Tuesdays with Grandma and loves it! She loves being around the other kids, rolling around on the mats, and jumping on the trampoline. They also to a music time where everyone gets an instrument and they make music, which of course she loves that too.
Morgan's personality has grown so much in these last few months. I'm amazed at how much of a little person she has become. She's become much more independent, but at the same time loves to still cuddle. She loves to give hugs and kisses and there are times where she hugs you so hard and just smashes her face in yours trying to give you a "big" kiss that it's impossible for your heart not to melt. Morgan is just a very happy go lucky child. She'll laugh at just about anything...she laughs when she has the hiccups, or when Max runs into the sliding glass door, or when mommy or daddy make a funny face at her, she even laughs at herself when she falls down. She loves to carry on a conversation with you and she gets her hands flying and the expressions that come over her face can make you fall over laughing. Watching the way she is now makes me very excited to see the kind of person she'll grow to be. And the journey of watching her grow, I think is going to be amazing.
I have a ton of pictures that I want to share so continue down....and fair warning....there are a TON!! This is what happens when mom takes off two months from updating this. :) It might be best to look at the pictures from the bottom up....they're kind of out of order if you start here and go down. Enjoy!
Yo, yo...what's up daug, LOL!


Morgan loves to wear the helmet she got with her tricycle.

She looks so proud of herself doesn't she?

Morgan covered in all the clothes she got for Christmas

She loves the chair she got from Uncle Scott and Aunt Beth

Morgan has to make sure her baby is comfy too.

Morgan reading a story to her baby

This is the Kitchen she got from Santa this year. She loves it!

Daddy always makes me laugh!

Giving Elmo a kiss.

Morgan pointing to the dog's tongue and hers.

She loves her new chair!