We've had an eventful couple of months since Morgan's 1st birthday with a ton of new pictures to share with you. :)
Morgan is now crawling up and DOWN the stairs, can get on and off the couch, and we think in a matter of weeks will be walking. She really loves to walk along side you while holding your hand. She hasn't quite built up the nerve to let go yet, but I think she will soon. She also now has a mouth full of teeth with 4 top and 4 bottom.
Morgan loves to say daddy, dog, and just started saying thank you today. ;) On a few occasions she will say such things as bye, yogurt, and momma. She even said one night, "I'm gonna get you," it was the funniest thing. I always say that to her when we play because she gets really excited and starts laughing and crawling really fast. Well her and daddy were playing on the stairs and she said that to him and it stopped us both in our tracks, we couldn't believe she had caught on to that. She's only said it one more time, but that first time was so funny. And while she doesn't say a whole lot right now, she's definitely a very observant little girl. She's constantly pointing to things, wanting to know what they are, and if you ask her to point out things like flowers, a ball, birds, some colors, and a bunch of other things she can point them all out for you. She knows where her ears, nose, eyes, mouth, teethe, toes, knees, ears and belly are. She also loves to imitate what we do.
Morgan loved Halloween this year. She was fascinated with Pumpkins so we took her to a pumpkin patch and Grandma bought her a pumpkin costume. Be sure to check out those pictures at the end of this post. :) We had a good amount of trick 0r treaters this year and Morgan absolutely loved seeing all the kids dressed up.
Morgan is also starting to assert some independence. My once great eater is now very picky and will fight me tooth and nail if I try to feed here something she doesn't want. She also is big into the fake cry with the bottom lip sticking out trying to get her way. She's learning now though, that it's not really working for her anymore. ;)
We're really looking forward to this Christmas with Morgan. I think she's really going to get into it this year. Grandma got her a Christmas book and she already knows who Santa is. :) We will try to get another picture of her with Santa this year but I have a feeling it probably won't go as well as it did last year, lol. We'll see though.
Anyway, it's getting late and I need to get dinner started so I will leave this post with a bunch of pictures. :) Thanks for reading.