Morgan had a great 1st birthday that was shared with 25 of our closed family and friends. I'll let the pictures tell the rest.....because there are a ton, lol!
Morgan helping us decorate the night before

Not sure here if she's helping or hindering the process, lol.
Oh...she IS helping!
....and having way too much fun too!
There...all done.
Let the party begin...
Morgan with Aunt Beth, Uncle Scott, and Grandpa
Morgan playing with her friend, Ashley.
Opening gifts!
Ooohhh look!

What else I get?
She loves her new baby doll from Grandma
Ready for some cake!!!
Yay! Cake!
"This is fun!"
Cake....after Morgan got a hold of it.
Uncle Scott showing Morgan how to play with the toy he and Beth got her.
The aftermath....