Well, there's a lot to update today.Morgan is just starting to cut her first tooth...and she's not too happy about it either, lol. We've been rotating the cold teethers, teething tablets, and Motrin trying to help her out.Morgan is also starting to crawl. It's more of an "army" crawl, but she's movin' forward now. She's also trying to pull herself up onto things. She was sitting on the couch and used the arm of the couch to pull herself up so that she could reach the side table, and ended up knocking over mommy's drink....the 1st of many I'm sure, lol. She's also starting to figure out how to get into a sitting position from laying down. We definitely need to start getting more serious about baby proofing the house now.Morgan has also learned to wave and clap, and does it all the time now. She especially loves to wave to Max (our dog). The thing I find really cute that she's been doing for a while now is that any time music comes on the TV she starts to "dance." She'll start to rock back and forth and kind of bounce to the music...and she actually keeps good rhythm with it too!She had her 9 month check up about two weeks ago. She weighs 21 lbs and was 28 inches long and we were given the go ahead to add a bunch of new kinds of foods to try! I've given her yogurt and she really likes it. I've also started giving her berries like raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries and she likes them too. The next things to introduce to her will be egg yokes, cheese, and cottage cheese. Morgan is also getting really good at "chewing" her food and feeding herself.It seems like Morgan is learning new things every day, and I'm finding this age to be quite fun. She still loves to cuddle, give big hugs, and will sometimes even give kisses. She laughs all the time and LOVES to be around other kids. Morgan has become our complete source of entertainment, she makes us laugh all constantly and we love to see all the new things she's learning. She amazes us every day with what she learns and understands. Well, once again, I'll leave you with some new pictures.Morgan ready to play in her little pool.

Morgan with her friend, Ashley.

Morgan and daddy at uncle Scott and aunt Beth's wedding reception.

Morgan with Aunt Beth.

Morgan with Uncle Scott.

Mmmmmm....yummy string.