Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Lil' Miss Morgan is 7 months old today. Someone please tell me where in the heck time has gone?! Before I know it, she'll be coming to me asking for the keys to the car so she can go to the movies with her friends....or even worse....her boyfriend, ugh!
Okay, I'm over my little break-down. Anyhoo, like I said, Morgan is now 7 months and I think it's time to start baby proofing the house. She's not walking, or even crawling for that matter yet but she is rolling....and she rolls a lot! I put her in her floor gym the other day and went into the kitchen to wash her bottles. When I came back she was literally under the coffee table. I was like, "how in the world did you get all the way over there." She just smiled at me and continued on her merry way of rolling. Luckily she didn't smack her head on the table legs or anything. She's standing like a champ, but has shown zero interest so far in getting up on her knees and hands to crawl, she'd rather just scoot across on her tummy. Sometimes I wonder if she will ever crawl at all. Maybe she'll just go straight to walking. Guess only time will tell. Morgan also sits really well on her own. The only time she starts to waver is when she goes to look up or off to the side, it kind of gets her off balance...just like mommy. Oh, she also knows how to wave "hi." At least she does it when she feels like it....she's such a girl, lol.
Morgan has no teeth yet and from what I've been told, that's a good thing. I guess the later a baby gets their teeth the better. The better for what, I have no idea. Maybe they come in straighter or something. Her variety of food has widened and I have to say she loves her veggies the best (I have no idea where she gets that!). Sweet potatoes and carrots are her favorite. We have now tried all the "First" stage foods, so after trying Oatmeal (so far, she's only had rice cereal) this weekend, we'll move onto the "Second" stages.
I really need to get Morgan's pictures done again, I'm just not sure where to go. Her first ones were done at Kiddie Kandids, but I don't like that they won't let you pick from ALL the pictures they take, they only give you a few poses to choose from. There's a place called Picture It at Southlands that I've thought about trying, but I don't know much about them and if I'm going to be spending good money, I want them to be really good. Any suggestions would be great.
Oh yeah, we ordered Morgans new car seat yesterday. We got the Britax Boulevard. She hasn't out grown her infant car seat yet, but she will pretty soon I'm guessing, and we just want to be prepared because the one thing we've learned is that things can change over night when it comes to how babies grow. One day she's fitting into 6 month clothes and the next day we can't even get them buttoned. ;p
I'll end this update now. Sorry I don't have any updated pictures, I haven't had time to upload them from the camera yet. So, next post is sure to have a ton of new pics.
Monday, March 12, 2007
6 Months...

Morgan had her 6 month check-up this morning. She actually turned 6 months on Feb. 23rd, but since her 4 month was a couple weeks late due to all the snow storms back in Dec., we had to wait a couple weeks for her 6 month. Anyway, Morgan is doing fantastic! She is right where she should be developmentally and physically. She weighed 18 lbs and 5 oz (70%), height was 26 in. (5o%), and head was 40 (50%). I guess the biggest surprise for me was her height...she as grown 3 inches in 2 months! She's growing up way too fast for feels like every time I blink she gets older. :(
Morgan learned to roll from her back to her tummy on the 7th, so now every time we put her on the floor she loves to roll all over the place in all different directions. She loves tummy time and is our little rollin' machine. She's still talking up a storm (really, she's very rarely quiet!) and laughs at just about everything. I actually caught her lying in her floor gym just laughen up a storm the other day at what I have completely no idea, but whatever it was, she sure found it hilarious and I couldn't stop myself from cracking up too. And at that point I think we were both laughing because the other one was quite a good time!
She is still enjoying trying new foods. We can now add bananas and peas to our list of foods tried. I've also learned that she is much more likely to finish her veggie if I give them to her first. If I start off with a fruit she usually will have NOTHING to do with the veggies. Of course I don't blame her...who wants some yucky peas after some yummy sweet bananas or pears? Not me! Next on the list are apples and carrots. ;p
Last weekend we went to the Carters outlet store in Castle Rock and came home with Morgan's whole summer wardrobe...$300 worth. I am now banned from buying anymore summer clothes for her, lol. Not that I need to, I think she has every possible outfit under the sun that's been made. We also need to update her car seat pretty soon too. She's getting ready to outgrow her current one any day now. Along with a new car seat for Morgan, we also had to get a new car. We traded in John's 2 door civic because, well, it's a 2 door, and that's sooo not conducive to small children with BIG car seats and got an '03 Acura TL type S.
Anyhoo, overall Morgan is doing great and is the best little girl her mom and dad could have ever hoped for. She is so easygoing and happy, it takes nothing to get "giggle fits" and smiles out of her. John and I feel so blessed every moment of every day that God gave us such a happy, smart, beautiful little girl. She has become the light of our lives and we have forgotten what our world was like before her. I'll end this update with some pictures I took last week...we had a little "photo shoot" and Morgan was the perfect little model for me. Sometimes I really think I should get her into some baby modeling....Hmmmm, maybe!