Morgan is sitting up all by herself and loves to kick her feet and scoot herself all around her floor gym. She is becoming fascinated by EVERYTHING and nothing within reach is safe from her, lol. Morgan is talking a lot! She is saying "da da" and John just told me that while upstairs changing her for bedtime she was saying "ma ma." She by no means knows what those words mean...but she is saying them none the less. Another couple of big sounds for her is "ba ba" and she loves to scream (not in a mad way, but in a playful way) lol.
Morgan is starting to show a little bit of stranger anxiety, but as long as you give her a few minutes to warm up to you, she will eventually give you a big smile. She loves to laugh and smile at mom and dad when we do silly things.
We go in for her 6 month check up on the 13th, so I'll update her weight and height after that appointment. For now I will leave you with some new pictures. Beware she looks like such a big little girl now! She just gets more and more beautiful every day....

Morgan's "Elvis" look. ;)

"Thank you, thank you very much."
Morgan's Elvis imitation.

Morgan loves to kick her feet up in her "lazyboy" bouncy seat, lol.