Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lots of new pictures!

I don't have much to update, but since I have nothing else to do because we have 4 foot snow drifts surrounding our house, I thought I'd share a bunch of new pictures.

I love my Christmas Dress!

Look! See my very first Christmas Ornament?

...and the

Here I am in my Floor Gym...I love playing with all the toys.

Here's Daddy playing with me!

And here I am trying to roll over!

Mommy's soooo in love with me! How could she not? I'm soooo darn cute!

I love my Bumbo chair! Now I can sit like mommy and daddy!

Today I experienced my first snow storm

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I put off posting about Morgan's most recent milestone for fear of jinxing it, but I guess I didn't really need to worry about it because this morning Morgan decided all on her own that she didn't like this new milestone, lol. Last Saturday we moved Morgan from the bassinet by our bed to her crib (which is still in our room, but on the far side.) She took to the crib GREAT....until last night. Not sure if it's the crib or her just going through a "growth spurt" (the explanation for everything really, lol). Morgan was up at 11pm, 12:30am, 1:30, 3:30, and finally 4am! Morgan has been a great sleeper up to this point, sleeping usually 7 to 9 hours straight, so I'm hoping this is just a one night fluke or a short growth spurt and she'll be back to her joyous sleepy self in a day or two! John was right when he said it was like she was a newborn all over again, grrrrr! And Morgan may not be the only one not adjusting all that well to her move to the crib. Mommy really doesn't like not being able to just roll over to see her and check on her. I've been getting up usually two to three times a night just to walk over to the crib to make sure she's okay. It's driving me crazy that I can't see her, hopefully this will get better over time.

Morgan is still talking up a storm, and talking LOUD too, lol! We were walking through Target last weekend and she was just having a heyday in her stroller talking really loud and laughing. It was really cute and made mommy and daddy laugh a lot too, not to mention it made a lot of fellow shoppers very curious to see what little one was making all that noise. I swear we can't seem to go anywhere without having several people stop us to say how beautiful she is. No one can seem to get over how much hair she has either, which by the way is starting to turn a golden blond color believe it or not! We all kinda wanted it to stay dark because she has such beautifully striking blue eyes and the dark hair just magnifies them, but the golden color is just as pretty too. :) She has also started reaching out for things and holding toys (with both hands). Actually the reaching and holding seemed to happen overnight, lol! One day she wanted nothing to do with anything and the next day she wanted to hold, her bottle, moms hair! She smiles constantly and that NEVER gets old for mommy and daddy! I don't think you experience true joy and happiness until your child gives you the worlds biggest smile! I swear it makes me want to cry when she gives me those big grins, it fills my heart with such pure joy and love for her. Gosh I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about her smiles...I'm such a mom anymore.

Morgan will have her 4 month check-up next week, so we'll see how much she has grown since her 3 month check-up. She's definitely getting longer because she is fitting into her 6 month sleepers perfectly (I don't think they will fit her in another month!). We just moved her up to size 2 diapers and most of her 3 month pants and onsies don't fit her very well anymore. We've pretty much got her in 3 - 6 month clothes now. I really can't believe how fast they grow, they seem to learn new things every day. I was taking pictures of her last night and it was amazing, and shocking, to see how much she has changed just in the last few weeks. She just looked so much older...I couldn't believe it! I'll have to download them and let you see for yourself, it's crazy!

Well, I think this is all I have for now. Sorry, I have no new pictures to post. :( I need to download them and then I'll share. :) Thank you for stopping by and reading about our "Little Miss" Morgan. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Christmas Pics

Grandma took Morgan to get some Christmas pictures done this week so I thought I'd share some of them. :)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Well, I have just finished my first week back to work and although I enjoy being back, I have found it hard watching Morgan leave every morning with daddy even though I know she's going to grandma's and not a daycare center. I can't imagine how hard it would be for me if she wasn't being watched by Grandma...I don't even want to think about it. I find myself missing her a great deal while I'm at work and can't wait for 3 o'clock to hit so I can leave to pick her up and be greeted by the biggest smile that just lights up her whole face...and mommy's too, it completely melts my heart! She does have a great time at Grandma's though and that also helps mommy get through the day easier. :) Not to mention I know she's getting completely spoiled and loved all over so I don't feel like she's being neglected in the least, lol!

Morgan had her 12 week weight check a couple weeks ago and she is still doing very well. She went from 9.5 to 10.11 in a little less then 3 weeks and is 22 in. long. We think she might take more after John's side of the family and be petite, but we'll see as she gets older. She is talking up a storm these days and smiles constantly. She's also started sucking on her fingers quite a bit...sometimes she gets them so far in her mouth that she will actually gag herself, lol. If you put a mirror in front of her, she gets a big smile and will start talking to the "other baby." Now that we have the Christmas tree up, Morgan loves to watch the twinkling lights too. One of the best things she's doing now is sleeping well at night, we are getting anywhere from 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night.

We are so excited about Christmas this year. It's amazing how having a child instantly brings back the joy and excitement we had as children for this holiday. Honestly, I haven't been this excited about Christmas since I was 8 or 9 yrs old. I can't wait to wrap Morgans presents and put them under the tree. I can't wait to get her picture with Santa and hang her first ornament on the tree, and buy her first Christmas dress. I'm so looking forward to creating new and sharing old Christmas traditions with her as she gets older like making Christmas cookies, decorating the tree, and starting a collection of her very own Christmas ornaments that she will acquire over the next 18 years from her mom and dad. Ornaments that will bring back fond memories for her every year she opens the box to put them on the tree, just like her mom does with her own box. :)

Well, I'll end this like I usually do, with some new pictures! Enjoy and thanks for reading!

Merry Christmas! !


Bath Time!