Update and pictures

Morgan had another weight check-up Monday. She gained 14oz in just 12 days! Yay for Morgan! That's the biggest gain she's had yet. For comparison, her last gain was only 3 oz in 10 days. So this is a big deal for us. At the appointment with only the 3 oz gain they had put her weight in only the 5th percentile and now she has moved up to the 10th. I'll be happy if she can get into the 25%. Her height was in the 25th percentile and her head was in the 45th.
She is getting much more vocal now. I'm just waiting for that first burst of laughter from her. She's getting so close I can tell.
Here are some pictures from today of Morgan in her swing. I've realized that most of the pictures I post are of her in her swing and I swear we don't keep her in it 24/7! We just get the best pictures of her when she's in it...she absolutely LOVES her swing and the birds that swirl around her head.