Your Pregnancy: A Week-by-Week Guide
You are 26 Weeks Pregnant!
As your belly gets bigger and your baby's movements increase, you are probably beginning to think more and more of your upcoming birth. And you may find that birth plans you were comfortable with early in your pregnancy no longer work for you. Many women begin to seriously rethink their plans for birth around this time. Remember, hardly any decisions you have made are set in stone. Many women have changed care providers -- even during the final weeks of their pregnancy. It is important to make decisions that are best for you and your family.
To be honest, I really have no "set" birth plan. Since this is my first and I have no idea what to expect really, I'm pretty much open for whatever needs to be done. I just think that I can have all the plans in the world about how I want my labor and delivery to go but in the end it will have nothing to do with what I want and everything to do with what my body wants and how it reacts to what is happening. So yeah, like I said, I'm pretty much open to whatever, lol!
Your baby may be very active between weeks 24 to 28, when small size and ample amniotic fluid allow for freedom of movement. You may feel your baby jump in response to loud sounds or "settle" at the sound of your voice. Studies indicate that your baby can respond to touch. Your baby is around 14 inches from head to toe, and weighs 1 pound, 12 ounces to 2 pounds 3 ounces.
This little one was doing somersaults the other day....quite a weird sensation! There are also times when the baby is really active and you can actually see my tummy push out where the baby is moving! This one is getting VERY active!
Once your baby arrives, it may be a while until you get away on a vacation. Air travel may also be out of the question in just a few short weeks. Many practitioners do not recommend air travel after the seventh month because there is a chance you could go into labor away from your home and a convenient neonatal intensive care unit. To be on the safe side, check with your practitioner before planning air travel in your last trimester.
Yeah, this summer is going to be very un-eventful! Not a whole lot one at 7 months pregnant can do at this point going forward......boooorrrrriiiinnnggggg.