Monday, February 13, 2006

Today I am 11 weeks & 2 days pregnant........

Your Pregnancy: A Week-by-Week Guide

You are now going on 12 Weeks Pregnant!


As you approach your second trimester, any nausea you may have experienced probably will begin to subside. You may also notice the linea nigra (black line), a dark line of pigmentation creeping up your abdomen -- especially if you have a dark complexion.
Your uterus has risen above your pubic bone, and your care provider will be able to feel it during an abdominal exam. It is about the size of a softball. Around this time, you may begin to "show." For first-timers, "showing" may occur a bit later, as strong abdominal muscles can help to hide your pregnancy.

Well, I never had the whole nausea thing so it looks like I might just be out of the woods as far as getting it. Yeah! I also don't have that linea nigra that they talked about above. Probably because I'm so light skinned.
My clothes are definitely starting to feel tight. I'm down to just 3 pairs of pants that I can still wiggle into. I do think I'm starting to show just a tiny bit though. I can feel my tummy getting a little harder just below my belly button. By the end of this month there should be no mistaken that I'm pregnant.


Your baby-to-be is now 60 to 65 millimeters long or about two and a half inches long, and weighs about 14 grams. He or she has the ability to swallow and absorb and discharge fluids. Hands, now complete, are growing fingernails. Even tooth buds are appearing. Your baby's face now has a distinctly human appearance. The amniotic sac contains about 50 cubic centimeters of fluid (one and one half ounces). This week, your placenta takes over the important task of hormone production.

They say the reason women start to get their energy back and the nausea starts to fade is because the placenta takes over the hormone production, which causes less stress on the woman's body. So happy for that!
I'd love to have an ultrasound now to see what our baby looks like! My one and only ultrasound was way back when I was just 6 1/2 weeks and there was nothing really to see other then the sac. I didn't even get to hear the heartbeat.


Still smoking? Babies born to moms who smoke during pregnancy are almost twice as likely to develop asthma as those whose moms refrained from lighting up, according to a recent study in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Experts estimate that between five to fifteen percent of asthma cases in children could be eliminated if moms-to-be quit smoking.

I'm sooooo glad that smoking is a habit that I never got sucked into. Although I certainly tried back in high school. I just ended up being a social smoker back then. I'd buy a pack of cigarettes and it would last me so long that I'd end up just throwing them away because they had gone stale. So glad I never got addicted to them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your pregnancy. I happened upon your other blog and now saw this one as well...I am 9 weeks pregnant with my second and it has been so much harder than my first. There is nothing like having morning sickness and being exhausted and chasing after a two year old...Good luck with your pregnancy I hope all goes well for you.

1:24 PM  
Blogger Corie said...

Thank you! Congratulations to you too!
I often wondered while lying on the couch completely exhausted how women go through this when they already have young ones to take care of. I can't begin to imagine how you do it!
I can honestly say I had no idea how hard this was going to be. Don't get me wrong, it's all worth it, I just didn't realize so much work was involved. LOL!
Again, thank you for the kind words and I wish you a very happy, healthy pregnancy as well!

2:42 PM  

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