Monday, January 23, 2006

I get weekly updates on our pregnancy. This is for week 9. I am currently 8 wks and 2 days, so this is what will be going on w/ me for this week.

Getting these weekly updates has become the highlight of my week! They're so great!


This week, your baby-to-be grows to between 20 and 28 millimeters from crown to rump, or about an inch. Weighing in at one gram, your baby is very active, although you can't feel its movements. He or she now has all the major organs, muscles and nerves. A Doppler may be able to identify the heartbeat. While testes and ovaries are formed, external genitalia appear sexless, which is why it is too early for an ultrasound to reveal gender. Eyelids are beginning to form and the trunk is straightening and elongating.

Our little one is about the size of a cherry, while my uterus it about the size of a tennis ball (tell me about it, I'm going to the bathroom it seems every 20 min.)


Women who consume more than three alcoholic drinks per week during the first trimester have double the risk of miscarriage compared to nondrinking women. This news comes from an intensive study based upon more than 5,000 women. Women who drank prior to pregnancy have no increased incidence of miscarriage over the nondrinker. Bottom line? Drinking any amount during pregnancy can be unsafe for the developing fetus.



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