Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Today I am 9wks and 4 days pregnant

I think I have finally figured out what my problem has been the past few weeks.

I've been having headaches and getting light-headed quite often the past few weeks and was really starting to get scared. Especially since it felt like I was going to pass out. Very scary!

Well come to find out I'm not eating and staying hydrated enough! I know, I know, it shouldn't take a genius to figure this out but I just haven't had an appetite for a while now. So I've had to force myself to eat small snacks every couple hours. Boy has this made a world of difference! It's even helped a little with the fatigue, although I'm still ready for bed by 8pm. :)

I still have a few food aversions. Like I can't stand the smell of meat cooking...especially sausage, uggh! I usually love onions, but have found lately they don't set well with me and cottage cheese is a major turn off right now! I've really not had any cravings...or should I say steady cravings. Every once in a while I get one but I can usually ignore them. Like last night I got this craving for Dairy Queens brownie blizzard. Man it sounded soooooo good, but I was good and ignored it. Although I did end up having a small bowl of ice cream but just vanilla w/ a little caramel sauce. I also had a craving yesterday for Qdoba's nacho's. Those were good! So every once in a while I seem to crave a certain something but it hasn't been bad at all so far *!knock on wood!*.

I bought my first pairs of maternity clothes last weekend since I am a couple weeks from being done with my first trimester and it's the second trimester that the weight seems to come on pretty quickly. So I'm trying to stay ahead of the game here so I won't be unprepared for when it happens. Although in the maternity clothes I seem to be between sizes....the story of my life really. One size seems a little too small, but the next size up seems to big and definitely to long. So I guess I'll have to have the bigger size altered a little to fit better. Finding the right fit in clothes has always been an issue with me...don't know why I thought this experience would be any different. Oh well....

I'm trying to think if there's anything else to update you on.........................

Guess not! :) Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a good week/weekend!


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