4 Month Check-Up

Morgan had her 4 month check-up Friday (a couple weeks late due to all the snow storms) and she is getting so big! She is now 14 lbs/12 oz (75%), 23 1/2 in. long (25%), and head cir. was 41 (50%). She started really laughing and giggling on Christmas Eve...we got it on video! She still has not rolled over yet, but she has been so close for a long time. She just can't seem to get her arms out of her way, so we are working on that. We have also started teaching her how to hold and drink out of a cup. So far she can hold the cup fine and really loves to drink out of it, it's just getting her to realize she doesn't need to suck to get the liquid out...she either inadvertently pushes the formula/water out with her tongue or she chokes on it. Also, per Morgan's pediatrician, we won't be starting her on cereal at 4 months like we had planned. Because we have gluten sensitivities on both side of our family, the doctor said it would be best to wait until the 6 month mark to introduce it.
Morgan has taken very well to her crib (minus that one night, lol). She is still giving us 6 to 7 hours of straight sleep at night. The only thing we really need to start working on as far as her sleeping routine is getting her to nap regularly. Right now she just takes cat naps here and there throughout the day. I think this is going to become our biggest challenge so far with her.
Christmas was wonderful! Morgan was spoiled by everyone. I'll have to download our Christmas pictures this weekend so we can share her loot. :) She really didn't get into the whole ripping off wrapping paper thing (obviously), but oh did she love to pull off the bows! Morgan also got to meet two of her Great Uncles and a Great Aunt on John's side of the family that live out of state for the first time this Christmas which was really neat! It was so nice to see them again.
Well, I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I guess this is all I have for an update as of now. Check back maybe this weekend for the Christmas pictures.

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